What is a Cutover?

During cutover final project activities are being executed to switch Business from current to the new system landscape. 
These activities have high interdependencies and need to be planned and steered in a detailed & reliable manner for affiliates & headquarter as well as for business & IT.

Within this experience report, I share in 10 sections my experiences of several successful cutover management positions. 
Target is to plan and execute transitions in a reliable and successful manner.

If I’ve piqued your interest and you’d like more examples or details, I’m happy to support your project. 
Feel free to reach out to me via the contact page or message me via my Linkedin profile.

1. Project 

In this section, we will delve into the essential groundwork for a successful cutover. 
We will explore project targets, scope, timelines, company structure, and the overall system landscape.

2. Workstream setup

Here, we will discuss the critical steps involved in setting up the cutover workstream. 
We will cover milestones, organizational aspects, and the coordination required for a smooth transition.

3. Cutover 

This section focuses on defining your cutover strategy. We will explore different approaches, risk assessment, and decision-making processes.

4. Phases & risk management

Learn about the various phases of cutover execution and how to manage risks effectively. 
We will discuss fallback scenarios, the point of no return, and continuity planning.

5. Cutover 
key dates

Discover the significance of key dates during cutover. 
We will dive into early milestone definition, technical and functional details, and the frozen zone.

6. Cutover 

Explore the tools necessary for a successful cutover. 
We will cover selection, setup, training, and initialization.

7. Reporting & Communication 

Effective communication is crucial during cutover. 
In this section, we will discuss reporting routines, meetings, and maintaining a Cutover Mission Control Centre

8. Full Dress Rehearsal

Understand the importance of a full dress rehearsal (FDR) before the final cutover.
We will outline planning, execution, and lessons learned.

9. Final Cutover execution

The moment of truth! Learn how to execute the final cutover seamlessly.
Efficient execution relies on the groundwork laid out in previous sections.

10. Cutover 

As the cutover concludes, we will cover remaining tasks, closing out the hyper care phase, and celebrate success.

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