5 Cutover key dates

Discover the significance of key dates during Cutover. We will dive into early milestone definition, technical and functional details, and the frozen zone.

Early milestone alignment / frozen zone
Internal stakeholders need to be informed early on potential downtime during cutover. Within the Frozen zone all business activities come to a still stand.
Business activities for managing capacity (pre-production / safety stock alignment / pre shipment) needs to be setup with all Business / IT Areas.
Early milestone alignment is done on granularity day. For global cutover planning a concept to handle time zones / time shifts needs to be setup

What is a Key Date list?
A KeyDateList is a collection of overall milestones ramp down / ramp up
Assigned to workstreams
Estimated start / Duration / end
Collect all technical activities 
Collect all business activities for ramp down upfront data migration 
Collect all business activities for ramp up 

For global scale projects a template needs to be initialized on which afterwards local KeyDateLists are derived. 
For further detailing (assignees, interdependencies, hourly scheduling) the KeyDateLists are later to be uploaded to the cutover tool as base for Cutover plans.

Considering technical details
Examples of technical tasks to be considered:
o downtime approach
o data migration approach
o User management approach

Considering functional details
Examples of functional tasks to be considered:
Last orders
Last deliveries
Last production
First production
First new orders
First deliveries

Last Invoices
Last payment runs
Monthly / Annual closing activities
First payment runs
First invoices

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