7 Reporting / Meetings / Communication

Effective communication is crucial during cutover. In this section, we will discuss reporting routines, meetings, and maintaining a Cutover Mission Control Centre.

General thoughts on reporting
o Which are the target groups of the cutover reporting?
o Which different information these groups would like to see?
o Who is allowed to see those data?
o Where the data are coming from?
o How often reporting needs to be updated?

Weekly / daily routines
Cutover Execution is following an Plan-Do-Check-Improve cycle. 
The weekly (during Cutover preparation) and later daily routines must support that cycle within every affiliate as well on global scale.

Reporting during cutover setup
During Cutover preparation the cutover Manager needs to report and to align closely with his counterpart in the ProjectManagementTeam.

Meetings during Full dress rehearsal & final cutover
During FDR and final cutover following Meetings should be established:
Central Cutover call (IT and Business) for global / overlapping activities
Calls per Region with local project managers
Local Meetings

Communication is crucial to share latest status with all direct involved parties but also with the project environment. I can recommend following methods:
Ongoing Daily Status Presentation to share latest status, Update on procedures and latest issues
central  “Teams” Channel to share ad hoc information with the central Team (Work-stream leads) & to affiliates project managers
o Cutover mission control centre: Physical & virtual location where the Core Team is meeting frequently during the cutover period. An CMCC fosters fast communication & decision taking as during the cutover unforeseen things will happen and need to be evaluated and solved quickly.
Cutover manager on duty: During ramp down / ramp a cutover manager on duty needs to be planned (in shifts) to act as single-point-of-contact from local to central and vice versa.

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